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Monday, March 29, 2010

Heart Attack

Just a quick update, hehe.
Got a quiz tonight and no one actually knows what to read because no one actually understands what we have learnt!  Hahaha

So here it goes.  I updated my status on my Facebook wall last night :)
And written this:

Oh well as you can see, my little sister Nur 'Aliyah Fathinah and a friend of mine, Shasha Shaharaman liked and commented on the status.

Guess who's the other person who liked my status?

- - - - - - - - -


Yes, it's my father.
Now I'm going to cancel my Facebook account for gewwwd T_T

Oh and he even monitored my wall posts!
He asked emak who's Safwan (a friend of mine who posts a lot of craps on my wall -__-")

It's okaaaay.
I loveeee you dad.  Hahaha gahh

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gila, Aku ke Kau?

There are 5 major reasons / factors / causes / etc. etc. why I can't drink instant 3-in-1 Nescafe:
  1. I'll run for toilet only few minutes after drinking it.
  2. My urine smells like it.
  3. I got more tired than usual after about 5 hours.
  4. My body will shiver.
  5. Minor migraine.
++ some other factors.

I want my mummy's-made Nescafe O!  T_T

Ps.  Alang, I cannot drink coffee sumore for toniteee.  Crazy alreadyyyy

Two Minutes after Eight

"Luv u too.  Take care.  Mesti kuat.  Mintak pd Allah.  Salam"
- bunda. <3


Yeay me for finally manage to steal some time for my beloved blog!
Life has been hectic.  A lot of changes happened I tell you

We are already at the end of March but I don't even remember when did March came :/
I kinda miss home, but not that much and I haven't cried just yet for my mummy.

Well.  At least I'm not talking bad about my friends to my mummy, heh.
Oh wait, this is SO NOT COOL.  I'm not here to ramble and rant about how people increasingly loves to be stupid & pitiful!  HAHA.  Pity them, haiyaaa

It is quite a loss for me for not being home in this third month of the year.
Majority number of my family members celebrate their birthday in this month!  -__-"

10th March
- Muhammad Fairuz (Uda)
- Noor Asmah (Kak As)
These two are husband and wife ok.

22nd March
- Yohanis David (Alang's Partner)

23rd March
- Muhammad Faruq (Abang)

24th March
- Mohd Zul Azmi (Angah)

I want some yummy cakes!  Wuuu T_T
Ok, so Happy Birthday to all of them especially to Angah whose birthday is today!  Yeaaaay

So, let's view part of my hectic life schedule for this week and next shall we?  Bahaha (this laugh is getting up my nerve)

22nd March (Monday) - done
- BEL 402:  Test 1

23rd March (Tuesday) - done
- OSM 453:  Group Presentation on Records Interview

25th March (Thursday)
- OSM 454:  Submit Mailing List Assignment before 4pm
- ACC 418:  Quiz 2 (gahhh, killer >.<)

27th March (Saturday)
- BiOSM:  Karnival Sukan Rakyat

28th March (Sunday)
- OSM 454:  Quiz 2
- OSM 404:  Quiz 2

29th March (Monday)
- OSM 453:  Quiz 2

30th March (Tuesday)
- ECO 415:  Submit Case Study Assignment
- ECO 415:  Quiz 2

So that's it FOR NOW I guess.  Tsk tsk :'(
But NO NO!  Am not complaining.  It's a student life

And these are only minor challenges Allah gives me.
There's still a lot to come in this life.
I'll never stop praying for my success and everybody else's in this life and the hereafter.

Learn to be thankful folks!

My mum is better than your mum! (emosi sebentar)
She's older and experienced many in this life than yours.
She brought up 12 of us you know!  TWELVE!  Not just three or five or seven but twelve.. 
She's even taking care of my nieces now.

I'll try to be strong like you mummy, the strongest woman I've ever known :')
I love you.
Now I'm missing her so bad.
Ayah, please take care of mum.  I need you guys in every step I am going to take

Gahh.  I'm off now to the toilet!
Yes, my stomach can rarely tolerate breakfast.
Even though they are just 3-in-1 Nescafe and Tiger Biscuit aummmm!

Till then!  xoxo

Monday, March 15, 2010

I Feel Funny

I just made a new acquaintance.  A senior of mine

Looking at him for the first time; I found him quite charming with his sweet dark skin color ;)
Seems nice at first but later he showed his true color, which is quite rude.
He quickly told me that he IS rude and no one really wants to befriended with him.
So I said it's okay because I feel as if we're on the same boat.
He replied saying that maybe I should call him and later on after that he send me a message at the most famous Online Social Network containing his phone number!
Haha, easy huh?

Well, I don't know.  I just feel funny, that's why

Ps.  *sigh* I wish I can easily get the other person's phone number like this :(

Sunday, March 14, 2010

How Does It Feel?

As I'm tapping this very keyboard in front of me, I am still in my prayer's attire as in the telekung.
I can't seem to find why I feel so miserable today.

I had a great deal of fun last night at the Annual Grand Dinner of BiOSM :)
So feel free to view the pictures and comment if you're in my friend list ;)  Thank you.
Here's the link to the photo album in Facebook.  CLICK HERE

I haven't been contacted for approximately 3 to 4 days.
I wonder why does this happen.  Have I done something wrong?  Or is it just another period of 'out-of-credit'?
I'm going through this alone, don't you think?  So it's okay if you think that I'm too busy for you but please, never entirely opt me out from your everyday life please!
Would it hurt if you send me even one good night text message?
Instead, I receive that wish from some other guy whom I'm not even interested in.
He's fine, yeahh.  In a lot of ways.  But I'm still with you, can't you see?

I know you can always get rumors from friends of yours telling I did this and that on the web.  Rant about multiple stuffs regarding you in my blog, but you never come straight up to me.  Why?
Do you hate me that much?  Yes I know we hold the principle that it's okay not to contact each other once in a while, but I still need you.

Call me a cheater because I am currently interested in my senior.  Not currently actually
I had a crush on him since last year if you can recall.  I'm sorry
But I think it's fine.  Because he's already taken.  Just like how my status is SUPPOSED TO BE

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lagu Lonely Akon so overrated!

3 minit sebelum jam 8 pagi.
Makan roti sapu serunding memang heaven.  Tambah pulak ada Nescafe 3 in 1 tersedia.
Nikmat nikmat, sementara.
Seronoknya ditemani assignment yang tidak berkesudahan.
Buat abang Uda tersayang dan kakak ipar tercomel, Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran yang ke-27 dan 25 respectively :)
Makan kek sila ingat orang di sini.
Saaaaayang 'Aisyah (tiba-tiba)

Rasa mahu berhenti belajar dan berkahwin.
Mari!  Tolong set up kan blind date untuk aku

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Poser: Bajet Amek Berat

Aku masih tercari-cari identiti yang sesuai untuk dipaparkan di medium ini.
Aku menulis bukan kerana nama.  Bukan juga kerana harta, sebab tu aku tak join Nuffnang (har har har, alasan!  padahal tak reti)

Aku berkira-kira juga, kalau-kalau pembaca lebih prefer penulisan Bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Malaysia.
Secara jujurnya aku suka menulis dalam kedua-dua bahasa.  Tapi rasa menyampah pulak kalau nak tulis dalam rojak, ish.  Tak kena langsung, heh
Aku rasa apabila menulis di dalam Bahasa Inggeris segalanya tampak indah.  Kemas dan tersusun, entah mengapa.
Tapi kalau dalam Bahasa Malaysia rasa macam bertabur sahaja.  Ini barangkali berikutan silap sendiri yang suka menulis dalam bahasa pasar.

- - - - -

Biarpun hari-hari aku berdoa untuk ditambah sifat mahmudah dan dibuang sifat mazmumah, aku rasa proses transformasi itu belum lagi bermula.
Semakin hari aku semakin tegar.  Menyakitkan hati orang (padahal orang emo lebih), bercakap lepas, berimaginasi mencampak orang dibenci daripada tingkat dua, pernah mempunyai hasrat ingin membunuh orang (nauzubillah) dan seangkatan dengannya.

Sekurang-kurangnya aku tidak perlu berpura-pura.   Dan semoga tidak akan terkena tekanan jiwa

Pelbagai dugaan datang melawat aku semester ini.  Subjek Akaun, Records dan lain-lain seakan menguji daya ketahanan mentalku.  Waaaah, koya lebih -___-"
Sejak beberapa hari yang lalu juga aku telah ditinggalkan keseorangan di dalam bilik.
Segalanya aman.  Jiwa lebih syahdu saat membaca ayat-ayat suci al-Quran.  Tenang, indah :)
Tapi semua itu sementara.  Berakhir setelah masalah dunia bertandang semula

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku,
tabahkan lah hatiku.  Tambahkanlah keimananku, ketaqwaanku, kesabaranku dan keikhlasanku dalam segala yang dilakukan.
Janganlah kau membiarkan aku hanyut dengan hasutan syaitan-syaitan yang sering ingin menjatuhkan anak-anak Adam Ya Allah.
Hanya padaMu aku berharap.  Lindungilah aku dari segala keluh-kesah dan dukacita Ya Allah

Ibu.  Hanya ibu yang aku mahu di saat ini
Aku akan sentiasa bersyukur Ya Allah.  Aku bersyukur

The Choice That You Made

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
Hello there.  Just dropping by to tell you that I'm still here.
Still alive and intact.  No harm done

Please just bear with me.  Got lots of deals to share
Will try to update soon :)

Lots of love, xoxo

Ps.  Currently reading The Gift by Cecelia Ahern (:  in a very very slow pace.  Got assignments and lots and lots of upcoming quizzes and tests.  Interesting riteeeee
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