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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Yeay, kahwin!

Wah, lamanya tak menulis kat sini.  Sebulan lebih dah.  Tiba-tiba nak kahwin.  Kah kah kah.

Alhamdulillah walaupun lambat benor progress preparation pernikahan daku itewww nanti tapi dapat juga selesaikan perlahan-lahan.

Chantek, pejabat agama Klang dengan daerah Petaling dah bagi green light.  Jom kahwin bang!  Haha.  Gelenya!

Kiri Klang bagi, Kanan Petaling bagi.

Kena mula fikir cara menggemukkan beliau ini.  Hoho.  Moga semuanya dipermudahkan, risau ni takda satu apa pun persiapan.  Badan pun makin naik ada la T_T

Dinner lontong yang romantis.  Ngeh.  Abam kacak marah lettew kitew taruk gambar ni.

InsyaAllah, aamiin.


Friday, August 3, 2012

When you just can't be selfish anymore,

What if things proceed the way they are?  What's going to happen to me?  My dreams?  My hopes?  My future career?  My life?  My everything?  Will the November milestone do me any good?  :')

Allah is always fair, no doubt.



Ejaan zaman P.  Ramlee sikit  :)
Alhamdulillah.  Ok, boleh kahwin.  Haha.

Subjek A+ je boleh tunjuk.  Ngeh ngeh ngeh.  Tamat sudah :)

4 tahun oi belajar Diploma + Degree berdebar je sebab Diploma tu tak grad so kalau tak pass Degree ni I got nothing!  Syukur segalanya dipermudah.

Ps.  Sekarang mari doakan konvo kami tak ganggu rancangan bulan November saya.  Terima kasih

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Babies, babies everywhere .

Looks like yet again this blog has been cruelly sent to hibernation mode.  Been busy.  This is completely common in life.  When you got so much to tell, so many things to share, yet you're not blessed with the adequate amount of time to do so.  In contrary, when you are all cozy in your sofas and clean tables, your mind tend to go all blank.  Cursing you for wasting time in front of the laptop.  Malicious, yet that's how our life tend to work most of the time.

I'm currently at home, spending my precious Ramadhan month with thy family and mostly nephews.  Just a quick update.  This year only, we've been blessed with 4 macho little angels (alhamdulillah) which contributed to 5 boys and 3 girls of my parents' grandchildren collection.  And as I speak (or type, whatever), I am currently rocking one of them (Thaqif) in his cradle.  This big kid is my brother's son.  Lookie lookie how big he is!  ;)

Muhammad Ali Thaqif bin Muhammad Fikri.

Aaaaaaannddddd he's only 5 months old!  He weighs up till 9.3 kg already!  Haha.  Explains my asthma attack most of the time :p  Even so, he is a joy to be around.  Funny kid, he is.  Love the comfortableness when holding and hugging him, I feel waaaarmmmm.  Haha.  

The next picture is to show the comparison between Thaqif and Al-Fatih Fakhri (another brother's son) which was also born this year, in the month of June (can't recall the precise date).

Happy funny kid with the second boy in line, Muhammad Al-Fatih Fakhri bin Muhammad Fadhli (gosh, this kid's name is long -___-")

Another two are my brother's and sister's sons, Fairuz and Hanis.  Oh by the way, all of the photos are courtesy of my family's Facebook.  I'm getting lazier each day to snap pictures myself.  Hehe.

Muhammad Adam bin Muhammad Fairuz.

I fell in love with this one kid.  He is the most charming baby I've ever seen especially when he opens his eyes!  He got long, pointy chin and shining big pair of eyes.  Argh, couldn't really explain.  Come and visit him for yourselves ;p

Last but not least, this one little hero first saw the world on last Tuesday, July 31st, 2012.  My sister's second baby.  He is a lot smaller compared to the picture :)

Muhammad Anas bin Muhammad Zul Azmi.

And here's 7 of them kids since this was edited before Anas was born.  

See see that sweet Adam above Abang Aiman :)

I'm one happy aunt !   :)  



Saturday, July 14, 2012

Second Giveaway by Sazalina :)

Please please please random number generator pick me this time.  I want to win this second giveawaaaaay!  :D

Ps.  Esok final paper yeay!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Ngahahah, demam exam la sangat.  Study sikit, lepak banyak.

My towel rack is also my desk!  ^^

Bagus anak dara, sungguh study sampai tak sempat makan.  Pfft

Paper orang lain rasanya dah start hari ni.

All the best kepada yang terlibat dalam menjayakan peperiksaan akhir UiTM semester ini, hihi. 


Monday, June 25, 2012

Ilmu bukan pada pointer. No? :)

I know where I stand and I know my capabilities.
I don't need to cheat during quizzes, tests, and finals.
You still think you're worth the awards?  Well, I don't.

Some people just wouldn't care of the fact that what they do now will definitely affect their future.
Maybe not in this world, but the hereafter.
So go on, be proud of your 'achievements'.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

English .

OH their English~!  Feels like screaming at top of my lungs at 3 in the morning.  Bulls.  Simply and obviously technocrat fools.  Learn before you act so big.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Grammar .

I'll be frank with you.  I mean you, well anyone of my readers.

I'm not that good in English.  But I like the language.  I really do.  I prefer to speak to myself using the second language whenever I'm alone.  I pretend to express myself more and better that way.  And only my fiance truly understands that each time I'm freaking pissed off with something, I'll use English. 

English is fun.  However, grammar is not really on the same boat for me.  Despite the fact that grammar can be a curse sometimes whenever I'm writing (especially when I thought I used the correct one then the so-damn-intelligent Word underlines it green when I KNOW I HAVE USED IT CORRECTLY curse you Microsoft Word !), I am delighted to take some time to really understands and applies it in my everyday life. 

Learning English is an everyday process.  Oh no, LEARNING is our daily process.  I usually take time to read any English materials everyday.  Just for the fun of it.  Along with the purpose to increase and improve my vocabulary and word structures.  Call me a snob but I am very particular when it comes to the use of proper English even in assignments report writing.  However, it saddens me a bit that I seldom have the time to recheck and proofread most of my group assignments report nowadays.  When I go through the reports after submission I feel like cryingggg ~~ :'(  

Well, whatever it is, we should always open up rooms for improvements especially when it comes to the use of English.   Don't act as if we know everything and would not take any critics and suggestions for answers.  Hey, I can proudly tell you I scored well for my MUET but it doesn't mean I should stop learning and forbid anyone from telling me I used the improper words and incorrect grammar.  Those I loathe the most are people who would not admit their mistakes and correct them.  They will definitely repeat the same mistakes all over again but still, they are the ones who will be complaining one day when some employers wouldn't employ them because of their low English proficiency.  By that time, I wouldn't be there to say "I'VE TOLD YOU!"  Hihi.

Have great days ahead people!


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lose Weight !

Ya Allah!  Siapakah gadis kurus pada suatu masa dahulu ni?!  Ohhhhhh, kenangan silaaaammm~  T_T

Dinner semester 1 diploma .


Friday, June 8, 2012

No ?

What's the use of acting all angelic liddat on Facebook but not on any other social networking sites such as TWITTER?  You can make your profile or tweets or whatever those shits are called private but you can never hide the truth behind that extravagantly fake innocent expressions of yours.

Anddddddd . . . I know you guys will be reading this, so yeah :)  Bulls .


Friday, May 11, 2012

The non-existent .

What's the use of explaining yourself to someone who wouldn't listen and always want to win?  I rest my case dear friend  :)


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Of Engagements, Weddings & Trends .

Siapa cakap tunang dan kahwin awal tu sebagai satu trend, dan dia pun menggeletik macam cacing kepanasan nak cepat-cepat tunang kepoh satu dunia dengan cara yang gedik memang nak kena tumbuk.  Nuff said

Ps.  Just wait till you go through the hardships.  Trend your head!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Jujur .

Jujur aku belum bersedia untuk melangkah ke alam perkahwinan.
Banyak mazmumah dari mahmudah nya diri aku ni.
Sering aku berkira-kira mahu kah untuk teruskan.
Atau biarkan hubungan kami terus begini.

Biarpun peramah aku tahu aku seorang yang pemarah.
Cepat melenting orang sekeliling pun pening.
Menerima sindiran bukan sesuatu yang mudah.
Mula lah senyuman pun jadi kering.

Tak tahu nasihat siapa dan dari segi apa yang aku perlukan.  Aku sendiri sedar kalau sikap ni berterusan rumahtangga yang bakal aku bina dengan yang tersayang akan mudah goyah.  Cuma aku percaya aku berhak untuk berperasaan tidak puas hati terhadap sesetangah perkara yang mereka aturkan.  Perkara yang mudah banyak jadi payah.  

Aku berperang dengan diri sendiri.  Konflik dan keadaan aku, sedikit sebanyak mengganggu emosi aku.  Perkara ni seakan jadi beban untuk aku bahagikan masa antara elemen-elemen penentu masa depan; pelajaran dan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang isteri.  Menipu seandainya aku katakan yang aku yakin aku betul-betul mampu.

Dan aku tak mahu mula dari segi pengetahuan agama dan pemakaianku.  Ya Allah, berikanlah aku petunjukMu.

Ps.  Aku tak hadap duit orang yang rasa bagus dan tak reti hormat orang lain.  Thanks, but no . .  no thanks ! (serius takda kaitan)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Guestbook Giveawaaaay !

Demam demam demam demam demam demam apa ni konon sibuk persiapan barangkali?  NgehhhExcited lebih.  Kerja tak buat.  Assignment tak siap.  Buku tak baca.  Questionnaire tak distribute.  Tak sedar diri lagi ni budak final sem ni.

Ahhh, dulik!  Comel sangat ni guestbook atas ni ni.  Siapa tak nak menang ni.  Boleh tengok semua hasil kerja kat SINI ni. 

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim :)
OK, baru boleh hantar.  Maaaaaauuuuu.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dia . 5

Hari ni ulangtahun kelahiran dia yang aku rindui.
Sudah 27 tahun.  Semoga hidupnya sentiasa diberkati.
Walaupun jauh dari kami.
Aku yakin, Allah sahaja yang mengerti.
Segala percaturan ini.

Selamat ulangtahun kelahiran dia yang aku rindu.
Aku cuba kuat selalu tapi air mata deras bila teringatkanmu.
Sungguh aku berdoa, suatu hari kita dapat bertemu.

Ya Allah, aku betul-betul rindu.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dia . 4

Aku rindu dia.

Waktu aku darjah tiga, dia tingkatan tiga.
Kami dihantar ke pusat tuisyen yang sama.
Selang kelas hanya satu atau dua.
Dia ni jenis cukup suka bergembira.

Satu hari cikgu dia panggil aku.
Tanya dia datang tak hari tu.
Aneh sebab memang dia datang dengan aku.
Cuma rupanya dia ponteng ke mana aku tak tahu.

Aku rindu dia.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dia . 3

Aku rindu dia.

Aku ingat lagi waktu aku pulang dari tadika.
Mak duduk di kaki katil, teresak.
Aku pulang dengan gembira bertukar keliru.

Aku salam mak.  
Dengan lelehan air mata mak pegang tanganku, kemas.
Mak pohon jangan tipu mak, jangan lukakan hati mak.

Aku tak mengerti.

Rupanya ada kaitan dengan dia yang aku rindui.
Dia sedang menuntut di darjah 6 ketika itu.
Aku ingat lagi.

Dan ternyata, aku masih rindu dia.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lamar? Pfftt

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku cukup meluat dengan update status dan share berita ke gosip ke video ke pasal lamaran Awal Ashaari kepada Scha Al-Yahya secara live.  Yang dikecohkan antaranya pilihan ayat yang sweet kononnya oleh Awal something like "Sudikah awak menjadi yang halal untuk saya?"  Trust me, I don't know sebab aku tak tengok video ke hape ke yang orang suruh aku tengok.  Ni pun sebab ada member update status.  Lucu kan?  Halal?  Apa definition halal bagi dia?  Hmm . . .

Sebab apa aku meluat?  Hmm . . .  Jeles?  Bukan.  Cemburu?  Bukan.  Dengki?  Bukan.  Benci?  Pun bukan.

Antaranya sebabnya adalah kita tahu diorang tu kapel dah lama.  Pegang-pegang benda biasa.  Pergi cuti sama-sama.  Laga pipi wajib ada.  So?  Fikirlah sendiri.  Lamar macam tu pun kan dah macam style orang kafir.  Mana pergi Islam sebagai ad-Din?  Susah kalau dah way of life pun memang dah ikut budaya orang sana.  It's about time pun they get married.  Kalau dia lamar cakap camni baru aku respect, "Sudikah you nikah dengan I sesudah kita bertaubat supaya kita sama-sama dapat mengurangkan dosa yang banyak kita lakukan selama ini?"  HA HA HA !

Dulik apa aku orang nak cakap aku kolot, akal sempit, poyo etc. etc.  Sebab ini memang pandangan tulus dan jujur aku.  Bagi aku, mentaliti masyarakat kita dah tahap kritikal lagi sadis sesadis sadisnya.  Rasa nak penampar semua yang cakap "untungnya Scha", "sweetnya Awal", "bestnya orang lamar camtu", blah blah blah statement perempuan-perempuan gedik seantero dunia.

Tak macho langsung.  Asal tak upload video Awal pergi jumpa bapak Scha tu dari awal berkawan ke mintak kebenaran ke hape?  Tu baru definisi sweet bagi aku.  Haa apa apa?!  Nak cakap kolot lagi la tu.  Argh

Dah dah, tak payah nak kutuk-kutuk bengang emo dengan aku.  Benda ni sangat general.  Sebab dalam satu hari ramai sangat post benda-benda bodoh tu.  Kacau mood.  Nak get off of Facebook tak mampu.  Hmph


Dia . 2

Aku rindu dia.

Kakakku bercerita,
dia memang suka mengusik adik perempuan pertamanya,
usikan yang seringkali menaikkan kemarahan abg sulung mereka,
maklumlah, setelah bertahun lamanya baru dapat berlainan jantina,
adik perempuan yang seorang itu terlalu dimanja,
usikan dia setiap kali tak mungkin dilupa,
rimas, tapi sayang itu tandanya.

Aku rindu dia.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dia .

Aku rindu dia.

Aku ingat lagi setiap kali aku lihat gambarnya,
aku tertawa,
rambutnya . . .

Persis gulungan rambut palsu tuan hakim.

Aku rindu dia.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tudung .

SubhanAllah.  Sesungguhnya aku cukup ingat mimpi yang hadir dalam tidur sebelum berkumandang azan Subuh tadi.  Adakah itu petanda?  Atau sekadar mainan tidur untuk mengejutkan aku dari lena?  Tidak kira apa sebab kehadirannya sekalipun aku cukup berharap Allah sentiasa menerima taubatku dan membuka pintu hatiku beransur menjadi seorang muslimah sejati.


Aku mimpi membeli tudung labuh persis kepunyaan ibu.  Tetapi sembunyi, segan jika ada yang tahu.  Tudung itu cantik, lembut berwarna biru.  Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku mahu :')

Ibu, wanita 'besi' yg manis.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spontan ?


Perbualan sebenar pada hari Rabu, 14/03/12.  Dialog tidaklah sebijik sebijan tapi seakan-akan.

 MUNIRA Kenapa muka kau, bibir kau nampak pucat?

DIYANAH:  Entah la.  Kau tak tau ke aku ada simptom penyakit membawa maut?

MUNIRA Apa dia?

DIYANAH Hidup.  Setiap yang hidup kan mesti mati.

Laju mulut menutur kata.  Bersediakah aku sebenarnya?


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dear future husband,

Yusry bin Samsuri specifically (insyaAllah),
here's a du'a for you, for me, & for the both of us.

"O Allah! Please grant me the one
Who will be the garment for my soul
Who will satisfy half of my deen
And in doing so make me whole

Make him righteous and on your path
In all he'll do and say
And sprinkle water on me at Fajr
Reminding me to pray

May he earn from halal sources
And spend within his means
May he seek Allah's guidance always
To fulfill all his dreams

May he always refer to Qur'an
and the Sunnah as his moral guide
May he thank and appreciate Allah
For the woman at his side

May he be conscious of his anger
And often fast and pray
Be charitable and sensitive
In every possible way

May he honor and protect me
And guide me in this life
And please Allah! Make me worthy
to be his loving wife

And finally, O Allah!
Make him abundant in love and laughter
In taqwa and sincerity
In striving for the hereafter!

Also copied from page on Facebook :)




A Wife once asked her husband:
“What is the happiest moment of your life?”
He looked at her face and said:
“It has not yet come..”

She fell silent for a moment, clearly disappointed, then she asked:
“And when will it be?” 

He said:
"The day when you open the door and you say to me ‘My dear husband, Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh’ - in our PALACE in JANNAH!”

Copied from page on Facebook .


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wanita .

Sejuk hati melihat.
Tersenyum sendiri.
Pandangan melekat.
Aku bila lah lagi.

Indahnya wanita yang betul-betul menutup aurat.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Final Semester .


Aku dah kat Dungun sekarang.
Bermulalah fasa 'Hidup segan, mati tak mahu."

Hmm k bye.


Sunday, February 5, 2012


Apa yang kau akan buat kalau pasangan kau constantly merendah-rendahkan tampak fizikal kau sampai kau rasa cukup meluat dan hilang keyakinan diri, bagi tekanan perasaan kepada kau berkenaan saiz badan kau yang besar sampai kau percaya dia sebenarnya tak dapat terima diri kau seadanya? 

Cabut lari?  Angkat kaki?  Terus pergi?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

On time? What's that? Bull!

Kalau kau rasa tekanan kenal orang yang tak reti menepati masa, 
kau patut bercinta dengan boyfriend aku.

Boleh bunuh diri menunggu  (hiperbola).


Monday, January 23, 2012


Orang sekarang lebih prefer blog yang tak reti mengeja dan bajet-bajet saja memang motif setakat nak berlawan follower tanpa ada pengisian yang boleh dibuat berfikir dan dikongsi bersama.  Apalah nasib blog berkualiti seperti Mencari Identiti (ok, perasan gila b*b*!) ni?  Entah.

Takpalah.  Janji jangan blog tu mempunyai pengisian berunsur fitnah dan caci-maki.  Setiap penulis ada cerita mereka dan cara meluahkan serta perkongsian yang tersendiri.  Kan?  :)

 Ps.  Aku nak cuba share link blog aku at least sehari sekali lah kat Facebook.  Ok tak?  Pffftt


Different Generations .


Posting as many entries as I can (even though they're not interesting, yes I know) since I still got the time before I start my practical training on January 30th until February 29th.  Not to say that I will not be posting anything here during that period, it's just that I'm not counting on it -_-"

I'll be an intern insyaAllah at Agensi Pekerjaan Intelek located in Section 20, Shah Alam.  May take more or less 10 to 15 minutes or maybe more depending on the traffic.  Pray for me that I'll be just fine there!  Getting more nervous as the day approaches.  My working hours will be from 8:30 a.m. till 6:00 p.m.!  Gaaah~  T_T

- - - -

I'm currently seeing / getting to know a man who's 7 years older than me in which the generation gap can be clearly seen there.  He's from the 80s & I'm the 90s kid :)  Not that I would like to talk about him actually, it's just that I realized that there are so many things in between our ages.

Source:  Google Images.

Every generation is special in its own way.  We can never or we SHOULD NEVER judge our parents or the grandparents as old-fashioned or conservative because what they didn't see or have what we had now.  Honestly I found some of their extinct traditions quite fascinating too.  What we should do is to tolerate with each other and try to share and learn together (i.e. the Internet, of course).  All of us are interdependent of one another.  Youngsters today learn from the elders past and the elders need to be updated with the latest trends ;)

My relationship with Sir Y allows me to befriended with nice people ranging from my age, 21 until 31 more or less.  We were once invited by his best friend since high school to come over to her house simply to have lunch and she cooked nice meals.  We just sat there at her house, eating, talking and sharing, cleaning afterwards for hours!  Well call me archaic but I like that.  It looks more, I don't know, erm . . mature perhaps?  Feels comfortable too.

No offense anyone but I found my generation's culture is not that . . oh well, interesting.  Maybe I'm just a little bit more of an introvert than an extro but honestly, I don't really fancy the idea of hanging around at malls or restaurants or cafes for hours laughing out loud until people look at you in their most annoyed expressions and until late at night.  The restricted social limitations among genders scare me (it really does!).  And it's also a waste of money for someone like me who still depends on the accounts of my parents >.<  Currently saving for my future, well who knows when I might be needing them.

Seriously, I don't even know where this entry is actually heading.  No misleading perceptions here please.  Just, erm oh well, let's just mind the gap difference shall we?  :)  And learn to respect.

Source:  Google Images.

Ps.  Alhamdulillah lucky me Sir Y's interests & mine didn't clash that much .  Pheeww~


Cancer .

Had a recent loss in the family. My aunt (dad's little sister), fought cancer until her last days. She's someone who made a huge impact in most of our lives. She's friendly, funny, cheerful, and all those sorts of heartwarming criteria a person could have.

To be honest, I really do not know how to put this together. How her loss has made me think, ponder, about so many things. How long could anyone of us live? No one could tell right? How did we treat the most precious lives that have been bestowed upon us? Have we filled them with ibadah and all or are we still not aware that these are all temporary? The hereafter is what's real, what's permanent, what have been promised, what's coming . .  soon enough.  Are we ready? Astaghfirullah al'azim, because only He knows that I'm not ready. I'm trying but . . oh well, humans. With all sorts of excuses. Let's pray to be better slaves to the Almighty, Allah s.w.t.

Their family portrait during the last Raya celebration.

What I faced are nothing compared to the struggles my cousins went through.  The deceased left 3 children; the eldest is married, a woman, & a man just my age.  Hope they'll always be strong.  They are currently taking care of our grandmother in Melaka.  May their good deeds come with sincerity and they will be rewarded insyaAllah.

Oh btw, I watched the 50/50 movie.  Truly inspiring and heartwarming.  Made me cry :')  Learn to appreciate, people .

Ps.  Al-Fatihah for the late Hajah Salmiah binti Hj. Md Said.


Pashi pashi .

Tekanan masih tak reti pakai pashmina yang panjang dan lebar iteww dengan cantik, kemas, tak menampakkan jelas berwajah bulat, dan menutup dada sepenuhnya.  Sekarang semua bajet-bajet cantik padahal dada tertonjol (eh?  kasarnya . . .) belakang terdedah.  Hmph.  Ada link tutorial menarik tak kawan-kawan?  *mengeluh*

Ps.  Ikan patin masak tempoyak ayah beli kat Kuantan semalam sedap gila.  Oh randomnya   -___-"

Dust Bunnies !


*tiup tiup*lap-lap*


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