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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kenapa sekarang?

Teman kesayanganku, Ain Syazwani Mohammad Fauzan telah tag aku. Maka aku buat ini. Kenapalah sekarang wahai Ain? Saja ja nak menghalang aku daripada mengulangkaji pelajaran. Sungguh kejam. Apa-apa pun, jom layan!

1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah
dalam 7 - 8 orang HAHAHAH

2. Saya sedang mendengar

azan Asar berkumandang.

3. Mungkin saya patut
kuruskan badan.

4. Saya suka
korek hidung, sangat suka!

5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya
tak berapa ramai.

6. Saya tak paham
kenapa manusia cepat merungut.

7. Saya kehilangan
dara punca (wah, dramatis sikit)

8. Ramai yang berkata

"Dee tu emo!"

9. Makna nama saya
CAHAYA AGAMA! waaaahhh

10. Cinta itu adalah
misteri dalam hidupku.

11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang
fikirkan aku.

12. Saya akan cuba
menjadi seorang anak yang lebih rajin apabila pulang ke rumah nanti.

13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud
abadi. Acaaaahhh

14. Telefon bimbit saya
ada dua.

15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur
saya rasa macam tak tidur je semalam.

16. Saya paling meluat apabila
berdepan dengan shallow-minded people.

17. Pesta/Parti adalah
seronok bergantung kepada acaranya.

18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah
abang Alang saya. HAHAHA

19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah
12 - 16 tahun.

20. Hari ini
hari minggu di Terengganu.

21. Malam ini saya akan
keluar berjoli insyaAllah. Astaghfirullah al'azim

22. Esok pula saya akan
mula study insyaAllah.

23. Saya betul-betul inginkan
pertemuan dengan Azam Shahrom.

24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini
saya nampak eczema di muka saya semakin pulih.

25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan
boleh blah eh eh, pusat membeli-belah.

26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun
Jepun, haittt!

27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap

28. Makanan segera adalah
berbahaya.  (thanks amer ^.^)

29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
"Eh, kau nak g dining skrg ke?"

30. Siapa yang anda nak Tag?
Tak nak.

Friday, November 6, 2009


I miss those days when I'm a blog activist (heh)

I miss those days when I really love to blog in English.

I miss those days, yeah I really do. Even though I know my English is not that good.

But somehow I feel it's better & much satisfying to tell a story or release the tense by using your mother language.

I'll still write though, English or Malay whatever.
Just for my own entertainment.

I'm sorry Mak Ayah, cause I can't stop writing these 'nonsense' posts.
Maybe this is just or maybe the ONLY way I can entirely express my feelings.

But I know, I always want to win & for me others are wrong!
That's what my Ayah said, I quite agree with that.
Maybe it's a gene thing Dad ;)

Ok ok, maybe not.

But I know, people ALWAYS misinterpret me.
They judge me through the way I write, the way I dress, the way I talk, the way I put my facial expressions.

Isn't that perhaps a TOO easy way to judge people?
Or perhaps you're just trying to point out my faults?

I'm a very straightforward person & believe me, it kills me too.
Being too brave in expressing my thoughts, being so clumsy in being nice with people.
Well I just can't change.

Does it always has to be about you?

I wonder, where have you kept your dignity in?
Maybe you know how to use your shirt's pocket nicely.

I write my stories, my legacies.
And this, is my territory.

Please, stop discriminating & patronizing me.
I beg you

C'est La Vie

Aku tahu ramai yang terkilan dengan sikap aku yang sangat 'menjual ikan' dan sombong dan berlagak bijak dan pelbagai lagi sifat negatif yang membolehkan ramai membenci aku.

Aku sedar.

Tapi maaf, aku tak boleh berubah.
Atau mungkin, aku yang tak mahu berubah.

Berubah tidak sesukar yang kita jangka dan tak semudah yang disangka.
Semua atas keinginan dan usaha.
Aku tak nak berusaha.
Dari segi sikap? Memang aku tak mahu berusaha.

Maafkan aku maafkan aku.
Ikhlas dari hati aku, lantaklah kalau ramai yang cakap aku berpura-pura.
Aku rasa lebih baik aku tunjuk sifat aku yang sebenar daripada menjadi hipokrit terbesar.

Aku tahu aku biadap dan kasar dalam menjawab pertanyaan pada kebiasaannya.
Aku tak salahkan orang lain, atau daripada mana ayah aku berasal.
Ya, aku tak suka jadikan itu alasan.

Kerana aku adalah individu.
Yang tak terbatas sifatnya oleh lokasi kediaman.

Maafkan aku maafkan aku.

Kerana aku adalah aku.

Ps. Tolong jangan plagiat apa-apa kerja aku lagi. Aku tak suka. Berdiri atas kaki sendiri! Atau kau nak lekas mati?


Kepala blog baru di atas dan
gaya blog yang baru adalah karut.

Karut menandakan aku semakin malas.
Kepala blog yang baru tidak seberapa baru,
cuma diubah serba sedikit daripada hasil kerja yang lepas.

Karut apabila kawan-kawan mudah pergi apabila ada yang baru menemani.
Yang baru tetapi sebenarnya dahulu saja menyepi.
Memang karut tetapi tepat bahawasanya manusia senang lupa diri.
Karut semuanya.

Karut betul tatkala kesalahan tidak jelas pada yang melakukan.

Karut karut.
Benar-benar karut.

Note to Self:

Note taken. I'm sorry to those who have been offended by me, you know who you are

Ps. Going straight to the market after a tough CTU paper on a rainy day is very very lousy desicision.
Pps. FOUR downs, ONE more to go.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Kala Maghrib Azan Berkumandang

Anak menekan kekunci telefon bimbit:
02 November 2009, Isnin (07:07 malam)

"Mak! Org dining bodo! Yana order mi goreng tlur mata bgkus. Dh byr amek je x chck lak! Xde pn tlur.. Mst dia sngaje. Xbrkat la bisnes dia"

Balasan mesej:
02 November 2009, Isnin (07:13 malam)

"X baik camtu. Niat je sdkh utknye, awk dpt pahala. Kalau btul dia sngaja, tu antara dia dgn ALLAH. Bukan kita yg mnghisab. Rakib n 'atid ade. Salam"

Nasib baik mak aku bekap kau! Huh. Buduh
Terima kasih ibu.

Tiga kertas jatuh, dua lagi untuk pergi.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ampunkan Anakmu

Tangan tua Ayah yang setia mengkoordinasi stereng kereta selama hampir 10 jam sering membuat aku mengalirkan air mata.

Yang sangat banyak....

Ampunkan Anakmu, Ayah.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Out of the Blue

Aku start batuk petang semalam kat bilik di Dungun dan makin teruk hari ini.
Tekak gatal gila sampai rasa macam nak masukkan tangan dan garu.
Bila batuk menjadi-jadi semput pun datang.

Tadi aku tengok TV.
Rancangan tetap hari Jumaat pukul 9 malam; Nur Kasih.
Iklan banyak, cerita sikit.

Tiba-tiba aku rasa nak teman lelaki yang memakai haruman Dashing yang bau macam bapak aku pernah pakai dulu pagi-pagi sebelum dia pergi ofis.
Bau tu tiap-tiap pagi buat aku terbangun di samping bapak selalu keringkan rambut dia kuat-kuat sampai air dari rambut basah dia kena muka aku maka terbangun.
Haa aku rindu.

Masih ada lagi tak laki pakai Dashing?
Ke lapuk dah Dashing tu?
Sebab aku tau dari aku tadika jenama tu dah femes.
Bedak dia pun jadi lah.

Ada tak?
Aku suka lah.
Bau macam lelaki macho macam dalam iklan tu relaks je dia kejar kereta naik motor tapi macam bodoh gila pulak cara kereta tu accident.

Hmmmmm Dashing.. (gersang)

Friday, October 16, 2009


Sudah terlambat untuk menyesal.
Diamkan sahaja dan tabah hadapi segala.


Hi :)
Oh yes, I know I know.
Noob is so overrated

Made it as the title for my post today because that's the name that have brought us glory!

Before I proceed, just a little update :)

I'm home, yes home.
By home I mean my home sweet home in Section 7, Shah Alam Selangor.

Just got here around 2 am.
Fetched by beloved daddy, the most awesome dad in the whole wide world!

It's Deepavali this Saturday and Terengganu have taken one day off the next day after the holiday which is on Sunday so yeaaaay us!
No class on Sunday!

Besides that I have only one day left to complete my Puasa 6 :D
So excited!

Oh btw, thanks dear Anas (haha) for helping me buy the Nasi Briyani for break of fast.

So, let's proceed!
Last Saturday, on October 10, 2009, my friends & I entered an explorace competition!
Oh yea, by friends I mean Dyda, Solah, & Paan :)

It was organized by OM Part 4 Students Group A, go Group A go Group A! :D
The decision to enter was so last minute because they lack of contestants, and we as juniors need to help the seniors ok!

We need to gather at the stadium at 7.30 am (& then biasa la janji Melayu)
But the race only starts at 9.00 am!

We named our group 'Noob' (whaaaat?! I told ya it was last minute)
Plus the fact that we are noobs just trying to have fun (wtv)

So we did compete for fun.
No running, just jog & laughs & play & talk craps along the 'race'.

We had so much fun!

The challenge was really challenging as we really really discover & went to places we never went to even in our own campus (sort of)

The winner of the race does not depend on who comes in first but based on the time we took to complete each tasks.
Thus, which team has the shortest time in completing the tasks wins!

Here are some of the tasks:
1 - Search for an 'alive' creature in a bottle in the river (Dyda's glory)
2 - Lawnball using coconut (Mine)
3 - Eat bread with budu & petai (so euwww even my urine smells like petai after that)

4 - Jangan lupa lirik (Need to sing Wawasan Setia Pelajar)
5 - Wrap up a friend to become a mummy (Paan's the victim since he's the smallest)
6 - Throw your shoes at a pyramid of cans (& search for the clue at the bottom of one of the cans)
7 - Go to the beach & a couple needs to find clues in the sand with legs tied

8 - Another couple need to construct their partner to score a goal with a blindfold on
9 - Catch 5 'ikan keli' with your hand (this one was fun!)
10 - 'Sumpit' an apple & eat it after wards (All of us played very important role here in EATING except for Dyda)
11 - Run towards the finishing line! (& give them all the clues & checkpoint cards)

Seriously, we had a lot of fun! :D

After the so-called race ended, we need to invent our team's tagline.
And ours, was sooooooooooooo lame I tell ya!
Totally. No need to elaborate on that.

We can go back to our colleges to clean up & need to go & gather at the stadium again at 3.30 pm to collect our prizes.
There were even prizes for consolation you know!
How generous of them ;)

Some of the other groups kept underestimate us & say that it is impossible for us to win & we should get ready to take the hamper for the 15th place = last place.
So we was like, yeahh ok sureeeeee... & just get ready because we know we fooled around too much.

But as the host announces the group numbers for consolation prizes, ours was not mentioned!
HAHA. Take that haters!

& then the questions answered.
We won FIRST PLACE I tell yaaaaaa!


Haha yeahh, I lied.

We only won the third place but so what?!
& for that we got the prize of medals, a hamper & cash of RM 100!
This is no joke.
Invested RM 5 for entrance fee & won back RM 20 each person! :D

Soooooo coooooool. We can't even believe in ourselves that we won.
Then we kept saying thanks to each other & everything since we didn't even expect anything out of the race.
I know, lame right?

So it proves that Noob isn't always a bad coconut.

I'm glad we entered the competition since we've become closer to the seniors (cute ones ehem ehem), made new friends with some juniors from other programmes & love each other even more!
Awww... Aren't we just cute?

So that's the moral of today's post.
Join a team-related competition ;p

Till then!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Aku nak update weh, sumpah aku nak!
Tapi asyik tak menyempat.
Ini mencuri masa tidur namanya. Jam hampir menunjukkan pukul 1 pagi, dalam 7 jam lagi kelas CTU 263 akan bermula.
Ahhh, aku penat.

Tapi, ngada-ngada lebih.
Semua orang penat. Mana ada orang tak penat even dalam sehari
Cuba cakap, ada ke? Takda kan?
Maka jangan lebih-lebih keco bagai anda seorang sahaja yang ada ujian dan kuiz.
Kerana itu semua tak dapat dipisahkan daripada life kita sebagai student.
Aku benci kau, ye kau!

Ahh mata mengantuk buat aku emo!
Roommate aku baru sahaja cakap, "Ahhh mata aku dah nampak dua dah"
Itu tandanya dia mengantuk.
Aku pun mengantuk.

Aku nak update weh, sumpah aku nak!
Pasal ulangtahun kelahiran aku, pasal penyertaan dan kemenangan dalam UiTM Terengganu Discovery Challenge.
Tapi entah bila.

Mungkin by the time aku berkesempatan menulis panjang cerita-cerita itu sudah lapuk dimamah masa.
Entah mungkin dah takda follower.

Aku sedih, aku cemburu.
Aku menulis untuk aku dan untuk .... erm maybe untuk aku saja.

Hmm betul-betul pentingkan diri.
Patut lah orang benci

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mr Darcy

I found that the labels for my blog entries are dominated by 'ENTRI SEDIH'.
*clap clap clap clap*

TETTT! I should not be happy!
This shows how miserable & pathetic my life is.
Maybe I should cheat and label my entries with 'ENTRI SUKA / ENTRI SERONOK' more! *evil laughter*

Hmmphh, naahhh.. That'll be stupid, to fool yourself.
Even the husband can't really make me happy these days, I'm sorry Beby.

I want Adam from Nur Kasih or better yet, MR DARCY from Pride & Prejudice!
So charming & cool & relaxed.
Seems arrogant yet so caring & passionate :)

"I have struggled without success. My feelings will not be controlled. You must allow me to tell you how warmly I admire and love you." -Mr Darcy.

See the difference between this line & those from Romeo & Juliet? So straightforward still the sweetness is there *giggles*

Ps. Watched few episodes of Boys Over Flowers yesterday. Proves my addiction towards Lee Min Ho even more :-*

Pps. Do view our RAYA PICS HERE
:) *clickie click!*

Ppps. I feel a sudden interest to watch 500 Days of Summer after watching the trailer. The main actor is kinda cute :D

Friday, October 2, 2009

Romeo & Juliet

Hello there :)
Just so you guys know, Alhamdulillah I'm fully recovered from food poisoning by now.
But too bad the cramps resulting from my 'monthly pain' has disturbed my daily routine.
Besides that, I didn't get the chance to spend a day visiting my classmates' houses in Terengganu for Raya. I'm really sorry guys!
Not that I will make any difference after all.

The finals is on its way. Not even for more than a month to be exact!
A bit pressured but I seriously do not know where to start.
Every subject is so scary >.<
Still, I spend most of my leisure time to read novels & sleep & eat & surfing the net.
What a stupid time waster right? -___-"


Somehow I'm interested to do a review on ROMEO & JULIET since I just learned the exact story plot & sequence of events.
Not exactly a review, it's just based on the simplified dialogues :)
No offense ok Shakespeare fans, hehe. This is just for fun & my very very very honest point of view.


"I am not fit even to touch your hand, but my lips are ready to give you a loving kiss." -Romeo

OMG! He sounds like a pervert! HAHAHA


JULIET: Do you love me? - I know that you say 'Yes', but, if you swear, you still may be untrue.

ROMEO: Lady, I swear by that moon that touches with silver the tops of those fruit-trees.

JULIET: O, do not swear by the moon: it changes every month. Your love might be so changeable.

ROMEO: What shall I swear by?

JULIET: Do not swear at all.

What the hell does she want actually? She annoys me. HAHA. Can't she just tell the guy straight away there's no need of promises & stupid swears?!


"Goodnight, goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight, till it be morrow." -Juliet

What a very emotional girl! There's always tomorrow okaaay. *sigh* But it rhymes tho, nice one haha


"What is this? A cup held in my true love's hand? Poison? O Romeo, you have drunk it all and left no friendly drop for me to help me on my way. I'll kiss your lips: perhaps some poison remains on them to make me die." -Juliet

See how problematic she is? When the lover dies, you can always find another one! Maybe it takes some time to forget but what the heck! Suicide is never the answer. Want to die also want to kiss kiss, so gedik


Maybe I'm not a romantic person after all. Azam finds the story nice, wtf?!
We're arguing how much romantic he is, right about now.
Lame, I know. But I'll always love him, that stupid annoying skinny old guy!
It's so painful being with that guy & very very tiring I tell you with his ignorant attitude.
But we're stucked, heart to heart & forever will they be insyaAllah :)

Erghhh, STOP IT! This is not a sucky all jiwang & leleh entry!

Good night guys! ;)

Monday, September 28, 2009

It's a Semester Thing

It happens that now I'm brave enough to skip classes.
Today, I've skipped FOUR classes!
Like, seriously. OMAGOSH (read in bitchy intonation pleaseee, thanks)

But that doesn't prove my braveness just yet.

Want to know why?
It's because I'm actually SICK!
So it occurs to my mind that it's a semester thing.

Every semester I'll get this serious illness or pain.
As for the first semester, I started to face this annoying skin problems which are called Scabbies & Eczema.
I even have the Scabbies at the palm of my foot.
Imagine the serious pain as I walk *shudders*

As for the second semester, my eczema has gotten worse & forbid me from enjoying a healthy lifestyle such as going on a camping (this is a lie, I don't actually want to go hehe).
Besides that, I got food poisoning & was admitted to the hospital; got injected at the butt & was injected with water after that.
Unfortunately for me the nurse was a NOOB & perhaps she had make some mistake thus left my cute little left hand with a huge & painful bruise for a day! *grrr*
At the end of the second semester, & to make it worse during the exam week, I suffered from a very bad fever.

Oh well, maybe there's a reason for everything ;)

As for the third semester, my skin up until the face part has been contaminated with eczema.
My hands are full with scars. My thighs are suffering.

My left elbow is ugly. My feet look all parched.
How much worst can everything be?!

Just last night, I suffer from food poisoning for the second time.
But this time around, it's even worse than before!
Admitted to the hospital again & was treated badly.

To be honest, I cried at the hospital last night. Everything was so scary.
There was a Grandpa dying & his son kept asking him to 'mengucap'.
I mean, it's my first time ever to see a person really dying in front of my very eyes.
I cried & tried to sleep. Not sure how the Grandpa is doing now :(
There was also a down-syndrome child kept crying & wailing & screaming as a needle was put into her hand, not sure the factor to that.
Besides that, an uncle came in with a 'buasir' & a guy with full body cramp!
The doctor just left me there to 'rest' after they injected my butt & did nothing!

Still can't understand why can't they just let me go off earlier.
Now I think I have hospital phobia.
Still hasn't fully recovered. Thank God I got the love ones with me, which are:

Nurul Akma

- my precious roommate
- for helping me getting through the pain, for being there when I vomited in the ambulance, for accompanying me to the hospital, for looking hard for porridge just so that I can eat something, for the ENO, for the Chi-Kit Teck Aun pills, for letting me to use her bed each & every time I fell sick
- for everything

Kak Long & Fatin Dalila
- the other roommates
- for helping me getting through the pain, for the tea, for the soup, for the support, for the medicine, for the suggestions, for the advices

Angah & Ain
- for the medicine, for the laughs, for the care, for the Nasi Dagang which I can't eat, for all the help, for always being there

- the helpful best friend
- for buying me food to eat, for running around to photocopy my MC, for buying me drinks, for looking for porridge for me to eat
- for everything

Aten & Zaryn

- for coming to visit me, Aten for the pizza that I can't even eat, Zaryn for the orange medicine

- for coming to visit me twice today, for making me laugh again, for giving me annoying yet true advices

Ika & Liya
- for cooking the porridge & for sending it to Nurul

- for the support & for the care

And to all those who are not mentioned, thanks for everything.
I love you guys :)
Really hope to get well soon. This diarrhea is killing me!

Only now I wish to have constipation *sigh*

Ps. Pardon me for the boring & crappy entry. The stomach pain is throbbing

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Quick One

So it's Raya.
So the holidays' are short.
So I'm exhausted.

Still, had a great deal of time with the family :)

Will be off to Dungun in around 5 hours.
Pissed, really pissed.
But I have to.

So, toodles.

Will try to update frequently.

Till then.
Much love!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Oleh sebab

bosan, maka

terjawablah 'tag' hal ehwal zaman kanak-kanak saya

Nama penuh:
Nurdiyanah binti Md Yunus

Tarikh Lahir:
04 Oktober 1991

Tempat dibesarkan:
Shah Alam, Selangor

1. Siapakah nama kawan rapat anda sewaktu kecil?
Adlin Nadhirah Ghazali, Salehana Salehuddin

2. Apakah permainan masa kecil yang anda ingat?
Sep tiang

3. Kalau anda gaduh dengan kawan anda, apakah yang akan anda cakap kpd mereka?
Whatever la bitch! Eh tak tak, tipu je. KITA TANYA MAK KITA!

4. Di kawasan manakah tempat feveret anda bermain?
Jarang dapat main kat luar

5. Apakah cita-cita anda semasa kecil?
Ni memang cita-cita common budak-budak; POLIS, CIKGU, JURURAWAT, DOKTOR. Haha

6. Apakah rancangan kartun yg anda gemari dan masih ingat sampai skrg?
Tom & Jerry

7. Makanan ringan apakah yg anda akan borong di kedai?
Super Ring / Keropok Durian. Nyum nyum

8. Nyatakan seorang rakan zaman kanak-kanak anda yg anda teringin jumpa skrg?
Adlin Nadhirah, Aini Syahirah, Syafikah, Farhan Akmal, Rafiuddin Ashraf. Eh laa, kau nak sorang je ke? Lantak aku la nak jumpa ramai-ramai!

9.Apakah gelaran anda semasa kecik?
Gemuk, Yanah, etc. etc.

10. Siapa yg mahu ditag?
Terserah kepada sesiapa yang berminat terutama para Pembuang Masa di kolum sebelah :)

Ps. Baju raya dah basuh (terima kasih ibu) tetapi belum gosok T_T

Pps. Tudung raya dah beli (terima kasih ibu) tetapi belum basuh. Lagi laaa T____T

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Note to Self:

Bring along gums or sweets or anything you can chew on so it's possible to stop you from feeling sick for a long car journey!!

Ps. I'm home bebehs.. Happy Raya.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Since it's very hard for me to go online these days due to assignments, workloads, quizzes, tests, conflicts, people renting my broadband modem & all,
I decided to post as many entries as I managed to today *giggles*

It's almost 5 o'clock in the morning.
Yeay! It's time for sahur :D

But no, I can't fast.
Too bad :(

Borrowed a book from the library & finished reading it :)
The book's awesome!
Even though I can't bluff that the starting part is a bit boring, still
I love all the twists & tales & struggles & love & sadness in the novel.
Written by Dorothy Koomson, I give My Best Friend's Girl a rating of 7.5/10!

Currently reading Cecelia Ahern's Thank For The Memories.
Only reached half way of the novel & already loving it!
*clap clap clap*
The author always write beautiful stories.
Hoping I have enough money to collect all her novels *sigh*

Also read one story out of the Five Great Plays of Shakespeare also borrowed from the library :)
(what? I'm a library person you know boohoo)
The story of Romeo & Juliet.
Only now I know that Romeo & Juliet are both stupid HAHA!

Will be reading Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen.
Which is ALSO borrowed from the library *teehee*
Watched the wonderful 2005 movie over & over again & just loveeeeeee Mr Darcy played by Matthew Macfadyen :D
Keira Knightley did a great job for the movie too, oh well just like she always do.
Need to go home & watch it again.
Have to give 9/10 for this one, the movie I mean ;)

Reading is fun!
You guys should try too.

Ps. I also love The Mediator series by Meg Cabot but the stupid library didn't provide the last book of the series -____-"

STUD Fetish

At first I thought it was only random girls' talk.

But two of my dear beloved beautiful & pretty best girlfriends proved me wrong :)
Somehow they put more effort & seriousness into their plans.

Few months ago, they told me their intention of setting up a blog shop.
Not long ago they said they were busy going for clothes hunting.
Up to that point, I was already impressed by the time & money they are betting on.

After months of waiting they finally proved me I'm wrong all along!
They finally managed to set up an awesome blog shop with cool pictures & nice outfits.
Plus with affordable price too!
I personally do not think they marked up the prices.

So I don't think anyone should hesitate about the quality of their clothings for I can assure you they are all 100% of great quality.
Because I know the two girls, I know how they shop.
& I know how they can shop until they drop ;)

Biggest applause for them! *clap clap clap*

Congratulations on the newly opened blog shop, the customers you already got & for getting reviewed on several blogs.

Keep up the good work girls.
Love you both,
Aisyah Rozi & Azima Zahdi!

Do visit their virtual shop when you have the chance girls,

STUD Fetish ;)


Shit happens!
And it sucks!

OH wait, that's not a very good introduction.


Hi! Hello there *smiles*
Welcome back to 'Collision of Fantasy & Reality' blog.
I'm your super duper hot & cute host, Nurdiyanah Yunus (wow! that rhymes)

As we are all aware of, it is fasting month! *leaps in joy*


No no, I didn't leap or hop or jump.
No need to imagine it or anything.

Much to my interest, even my Huayu (stands for Mandarin Language) Laoshi (means teacher) knows it's fasting month.
He always tell us not to cheat in our quizzes or tests as he says something like this,

"Tak baik berbuat jahat di bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini. Haa sangat dibenci-i"

Yeah he talks like that. He loves to add another i at the end of the dibenci.
He loves to play with the word keliru by saying,

"So you better be careful haa. Jangan keliru ataupun keluri"

Plus, he LOVES to use the word MUJURNYA.
I know, it's nothing, really.
But coming from him, a cute & short & funny guy, it always sounds hilarious *giggles*

I'm impressed that he's okay with Malay Language.

Laoshi's alright. He is so cute when he talks about his wife, we can see how happy he is :D


This is not suppose to be an entry about my lecturer *sigh*

Actually, this entry has no main purpose at all.
I just feel like posting some words & pictures *scratches itchy face*

Oh btw, my mum forbids me to come home until few days before Raya T_T
How sad is that?
But her intention is good, I understand.
I don't want to be a major burden for my dad anyway.

I love my dad you know.

But actually, who doesn't?!

Don't really feel like going online these days.
Because you know yeah, shit happens.

I can barely understand people these days.
I can barely understand myself!
Haha, how f**k*d up is that? Zzz

The cycle for the month started late.
5 DAYS LATE to be exact.
But not worried at all, it's fine now.
Feeling grumpier than ever *sigh*
Even the monthly guests are here which made it worst!

Off to Kuala Terengganu today insyaAllah by noon.
Haven't told Mum all the latest & juicy news yet.
Haven't even got her permission to travel as well.

OH for some people's information, I already have a loving boyfriend :)
The name is Muhammad Azam bin Shahrom.
You can browse through my older posts.
Talked so much about him back then, & still will

So you don't need to worry much.
I am not interested in that guy anyway *cynical smile*

*texts the husband*

He may not be as charming as your grandfather or your father or even your brother, but I love him & that's that :)

I miss him.
& I miss my family.
Gonna post lotsa & lotsa pictures of this year's Raya *frowns*

Tata for now!

Ps, Happy 19th Birthday Muhammad Aiman bin Zafir. May you have a splendid birthday, achieve your aim for 4 flat & always be gay. Take care

Pps, The pictures show my skin's 'monthly guests', not trying to seek attention or boost the followers number. Got it? NO? *sigh* Fine then

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ramadhan al-Mubarak


Esok adalah hari pertama umat Islam akan berpuasa pada bulan yang mulia ini.
Justeru, saya ingin memohon maaf kepada semua yang berkenaan atas segala salah dan silap saya kepada anda.

Bulan Ramadhan ini adalah elok sekiranya kita tutup buku lama dan gantikan dengan lembaran yang baru.
Kepada yang membenci dan rasa terjengkel dengan sikap saya yang tak matang selama ini, saya berharap anda dapat membuang perasaan itu jauh-jauh.
Bila masuk Syawal nanti bencilah semula. Saya tak kisah

Kepada yang tertuduh, terfitnah atau terbuat cerita pasal saya tu tak mengapalah
Saya memang dah biasa. Oleh itu saya sedia memaafkan dan sedar segala kesilapan dan keburukan datangnya dari diri saya sendiri.
Ikhlas saya cakap, memang tak tipu.

Saya cuma ingin segera bergraduasi dan tak mengganggu ketenteraman awam.
Seandainya ada terkasar bahasa, terguris hati eloklah segalanya diterangkan dengan jelas dan bukan terus memburuk-burukkan.

Saya mengaku saya masih tak matang, saya tahu
Sekali lagi, ampunkan saya.

Salam Ramadhan al-Mubarak semua ;)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I wonder...
Is it legal to hate someone without any good reason?

I wonder...
How do you feel when you purposely being cynical towards someone you barely knew?

I wonder...
Do you feel proud when people agree with your so-called opinion and support you?

I wonder...
Why do people like to meddle with someone else's life?

I wonder...
What is it like to torture someone's feeling?

I wonder...
When will you start feeling guilty after doing all those?

I wonder...
And I will keep on wondering :')

Because life is doing fine as what it is supposed to be.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Belasungkawa :')

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. dan salam sejahtera kepada semua.

Mungkin sudah sedikit terlewat bagi entri sebegini tetapi tidak salah sekiranya kita bersama-sama muhasabah diri kembali.
Entri kali ini dititip khas di atas pemergian vokalis utama kumpulan nasyid terulung di Malaysia iaitu Rabbani.
Satu Malaysia telah dikejutkan dengan berita pemergian Ustaz Mohd Asri Ibrahim, 40 (3 Ogos 1969 - 13 Ogos 2009) kira-kira pukul 10.30 pagi 13 Ogos akibat serangan jantung ketika dalam perjalanan ke Hospital Pantai, Bangsar.

'kepulangan' di bulan Syaaban sekali lagi menyentap di hati.
Baru-baru ini sahaja pengarah terulung Yasmin Ahmad telah meninggalkan kita.

Menurut salah seorang anggota Rabbani, Mohd. Asri Baidul @ Ubaidullah, arwah jatuh pengsan semasa memberikan ucapan dalam sidang media program ‘Syahadah’ di Angkasapuri, Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) kira-kira pukul 10 pagi.

Beliau meninggalkan seorang balu, Haliza, 38 dan enam orang anak iaitu Mohd Nasimudin, 15, Mohd Fathi, 14, Nur Atikah, 12, Mohd Ilhan, 10, Sufiyah Munawarah, 6, dan Hamdi Rabbani, 4.

Pencapaian kumpulan Rabbani amat membanggakan sepanjang Ustaz menjadi tonggak kepada kumpulan nasyid yang hebat ini.

Ambillah masa untuk muhasabah diri dan renungkan kembali pengisian hidup kita selama ini.
Semoga kita sentiasa di bawah perlindungan Yang Maha Esa Hendaknya.

AL-FATIHAH buat Allahyarham Ustaz Mohd Asri. Semoga rohnya sentiasa dicucuri rahmat InsyaAllah


I have these

phobias... I think

OK. Let's begin the list shall we? :)

Agoraphobia - Fear of situation in which escape is difficult.
Androphobia - Fear of men. (oh wait, this is a total lie)

Atychiphobia - Fear of failure.

Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness. (my ugliness, not anyone else)
Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces. (totally, i'll have asthma attack or some sort and panicked)
Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns. (not exactly a fear, just feel like crying when i see one)
Cyberphobia - Fear of computers. (duhh, then what the hell am i doing here? zzz)

Entomophobia - Fear of insects. (roaches especially. i'll scream like i'm dying)

Megalophobia - Fear of large things. (so does this mean i'm scared of myself? haha)

Necrophobia - Fear of death or dead things.

Phobophobia - Fear of phobias. (totally)

Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful women. (ish, this is totally wrong. i'm just fine when i look into the mirror. hahaha)

This is actually a boring random post since I actually got something better to do but just plain lazy to do it.
Some may find it new for the phobia names even me!
So, do google them (the phobia list) when you have the time.
Till then! :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tinta berdarah

Entri kali ini tidak bermotif.
Cuma cuma, hati rasa dirabak
Berminat pula dengan bait-bait ini :')

You're on the phone with your girlfriend
She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
'cause she doesn't get your humor
Like I do

I'm in the room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music
She doesn't like
She'll never know your story
Like I do

she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you see
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walking the streets
With you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking
This is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench
Thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?

you've got a smile
That could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile
Since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better than that
Hey what you doing with a girl like that

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you see
You belong with me
Standing by and
Waiting at your backdoor
All this time
How could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh, I remember
You driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

Can't you see
That I'm the one
Who understands
Been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me

Have you ever thought
Just maybe
You belong with me?

Yeah so the clip is a little bit cliche :)
But I've always love happy endings!
The song has always brighten up my day,
for the mean time

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